Joe's Camera
communities in and around the park

Local communities around the Kgalagadi Transfrontier park

As photographers make out the major part of the tourist community in and around the Park we can play a much better role to uplift communities and ensure sustainability of fauna , flora and local people. We have been and will drive initiatives in this regard.

Khomani san- click image

Khomani San

The ‡Khomani San are descended from several original San groups, including the ||Ng!u (close relatives of the !Xam, who lived south of the !Gariep River), the ‡Khomani who spoke the same language as the ||Ng!u but had a distinct lineage, the |’Auni, the Khatea, the Njamani and probably others whose names are now lost to us. Most San of this bloodline now speak Khoekhoegowap and/or Afrikaans as their primary language. There are only five of the original 23 confirmed speakers (there is no reference point for this statement – in 2016, for example) of the ancient N|u language, constituting an important component of the few surviving aboriginal South African San. Approximately 1 500 adults are spread over an area of more than 1 000 square kilometres in the Northern Cape Province. Approximately 8002 people live in the northern reaches of Gordonia, at Witdraai, Askham and Welkom, just south of the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, and in the towns of Rietfontein, Upington, Loubos, Olifantshoek and surrounding villages and settlements. .

Local community

Legendary Horsie passed away

Horsie one of the original three bushmen families that were discovered by the Le Riche park chief and part of the Aggarob family passed away today 22 Dec 2024.

We are collecting donations for his family for a burial. 

Tourists-(under conststruction)


Tourist make up almost as much as the surrounding farming community at any given day whereof majority are photographers and indeed make out the most important supporter of the local economy.



Botswana, the other partner to the Kgalagadi Transfrontier park represents almost 50% of the bordering community that are supported by photographers around and in the park that need representation and integration in the economy.

Faming (under construction)


Framers on the border of the park on both Namibia, Botswana and South Africa makes out the majority of the land and a key component of the conservation and management plan of the sustainability of the Transfrontier park. It is a tough life and the conflict between these farmers and the conservation effort needs close monitoring. Photographers should familiarise themselves with these communities as a economic stimuli to the region.

Schools and children (under construction)

Schools and children

Schools in the areas around the park needs critical assistence due to various factors including remoteness and lack of logistics. Programs will be launched to address these.


Local businesses

Although the Kgalagadi Transfrontier park makes out the largest part of the economy there are lodges and other small businesses around the Park on South Africa, Namibia and Botswana that jointly forms a much larger local economy than the Kgalagadi Transfrontier park on its own.