Joe's Camera
Meat and groceries

Meat and groceries

Butcheries, groceries suppliers on route and around the Kgalagadi
Wickens vleis mark buther

Wickens butchery

Wickens Vleismark Upington

Wickens Vleismark and coffee shop is situated right on route to the Kgalagadi at the last intersection that has a farmers coop, garage, guest house, restaurant, outdoor shop, doctors and most services required before heading on the long road to the Park with nothing in between.

Black Mane butcher and grill

Black Mane Kgalagadi lodge

Black Mane butchery Kgalagadi lodge

The Black Mane butcher and grill are located in the Kgalagadi lodge 5 km before the Park entrance and right on the main road.

Butchery and groceries

your business